

本來這禮拜是打算要回去台北去參加我高中同學公司舉辦的一個活動. 類似party吧? 但是因為有個網友從宜蘭來台中辦事情, 順便要帶兔子給我, 所以就沒有回去台北了. 而且還因此陪他打了通宵的網咖... wtf? 嗯... 那太痛苦了, 過程恕刪.

這 隻兔子, 我就把他取名兔兔, 懶的在給他叫什麼培培阿. 什麼咖哩了... 說到為什麼是"培培", 第一天跟他碰面, 讓我印象最深刻的是, 他躲在我外套裡面休息, 可是我卻三不五時的讓我感覺一陣暖流突襲... 天阿... 他在我身上尿尿... 所以就取名英文的尿尿為他的名字... (一個晚上尿三次= =||) 他是隻mini兔子, 小小隻的. 帶有大大小小分布不均的棕色,黑色斑點, 非常的過動. 在高的籃子. 他都可以跳出來. 像我今天在睡覺. 他就有跳出來過... 然後在房間裡跑來跑去, 其實我不是擔心他出來會怎麼樣. 但是沒辦法, 他有過一個晚上拉三次的超高技術... 不得不堤防一下, 所以我在他的籠子上面又加裝了自己喜愛的牛仔布墊. (而且我房間有放樟腦丸, 也許是我常識不足, 我不知道吃了那個會不會死翹翹)

嗯... 寫這篇的時間是4月27日禮拜日的凌晨0:37分了. 我才剛睡醒... 就知道我這週末特別的不一樣了... 剛剛還帶兔子去跑步= =(他怎麼會這麼過動...)

u got a lot spell prob :|
i reply u later.

it's she... a female rabbit i think.
XD haha
u said u want be her mom???
my f/d said mini rabbit is sort easy die kind animal...

so i forced her to do some exersice such as "Pulls the high bar". running. cool? isnt it? but my f/d says i am bully her... XD

well i dont have a web cam or camera yet. but i will borrow 1 for u :) k? the mother of rabbit ???:$
tell u something terrible...

i fed her while i woke up at 12... it is the 1st time i fed her today. (well i woke up late... and did not go to english class, my fault.)

then my f/ds came my home and fed her without tellin me. (it's the 2nd time. they told me almost half of a bowl? wtf? so much?)

after it... i finished lesson at 5. i found her strange... so i fed her again, then i went out to play baseball. after it i saw her still looks like so weak. then i fed her again but not so much. (fark and it was the 4th time?)

now... it's 8 o'clock pm almostly.
i put her on my stomach while i was reading comic books and guess what ? i found a lot of shits on my stomach (god... it's disgusting)

finally i got the answer why she looks so weak.. she ate too much.
u had a nice day wasnt it?
i envy u... :'(~~~~
u better come back taiwan soon as u can :|

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