
just back

剛剛發生了一點小插曲. 當我興奮的拿著論子要去學校的後門換輪胎的陸上. 經過了一個小巷子, 在我要轉進去時, 一台車子突然就出來了. 幸好我並沒跟他互撞, 倒楣的事情是, 我倒車了, 因為太突然了. 一下子沒有力量跟時間去拉車子, 所以車子難免有些許的摩擦, 而我的身上, 因為腳要下去撐住, 左腳腳踝有點擠壓到. 左膝蓋擦傷, 右手臂擦傷. 不小塊但是也不深. 還有我的胸口也擦傷了. 怪地方... 仔細回想一下, 原來是我在扶車子的時候, 給後照鏡給弄到了.

恩. 結論就是, i am ok. dont worrie. all m'f/ds


to be in love with him...

i am thinking about 1 question. i still remember i would spend more than 3k each date with my ex-gf. cool? no.. it's stupid. very stupid.

today one another ex-gf knocked my YAHOO and talked to me about his BF and about the money he is giving to her. soon my mind came up this message" to be in love with him, does that mean i suppose to get the money from him?" and then i wrote this post.

think bout it . i farking damn think it's not rite. farking not rite. especially 10w tw-dollar a month. duty??